title : pourrait être fait

year: 2015
location: baie-saint-paul, québec
duration: one month
supported by: symposium international d’art contemporain de baie-saint-paul – murmures du quotidien
curator: marie perrault

project blog: https://pourraitetrefait.wordpress.com

pourrait être fait is a project which investigates (very briefly, just over the course of one month) the concerns of those who live in the regions of québec. taking the weekly newspaper “le charlevoisien” as my main source of information i chose a headline or a quote from the newspaper to then transcribe this text onto unprimed linen using acrylic paint. i was primarily interested in discovering how the current governmental cuts (both provincial and federal) were impacting the life of those who live and work in the regions.

language, as performed –and as performing the reader, through difficulty of deciphering the text and as well as through hierarchical placement (whether the text is from the québec charter of rights and freedoms, a newspaper headline, or quote, whether the text is handwritten on a postcard, or handwritten on graph paper, or painted onto cardboard or painted onto linen or printed as a one-page in the newspaper) was also explored.

12kes2015lecharlevoisiensylvaintremblay copytitle : sylvain tremblay avance que
year: 2015
location: le charlevoisien, baie-saint-paul, québec

coming full circle to reinsert the quote originally lifted from the charlevoisien newspaper back into the newspaper, the acrylic on linen imaged above reads: “sylvain tremblay avance que “la réforme de l’assurance-emploi a crée un mouvement d’exode important dans l’est du pays.””the blog address presented below the image was to give readers access to context and information about the concerns of,

municipalités dévitalisées



le charlevoisien, 22 juillet 2015. en 6 ans
acrylique sur lin
30 x 30 cm. 2015

le charlevoisien 12 août 2015. sylvain tremblay avance que
acrylique sur lin
30 x 30 cm. 2015

le charlevoisien, 22 juillet 2015. caroline simard
acrylique sur lin
30 x 30 cm. 2015

le charlevoisien, 26 août 2015. bûcheron d’experiénce
acrylique sur lin
30 x 30 cm. 2015

photos: guy l’heureux






